The ads are completely unacceptable to me, and the sound would go far beyond that into a region of unusability. Undocumented feature I guess I wanted to remove it anyway if Bittorrent was disabling it. Because when I removed the URL list on the box to test what the box would then do, it just disappears. Why, because of your anecdotal evidence that 2.2.1 uploaders are ruining your speed? I have 2.2.1 and after revisiting this issue (due to the search box being disabled on "legacy" software, that's not much of a legacy) decided it's great. Consider if someone was running utorrent at work and the audio starts playing and the boss walks by. They can find a way to advertise without hijacking the audio of my computer. If anything, I would intentionally not buy anything from those advertisers because of their annoying ads. I don't even know why companies bother with random ads that do nothing but annoy 99.9% of people.

I thought that minimizing Utorrent would prevent the sound on the ads from playing, but that is not the case. Is there a way to mute the sound on those videos without having to mute the sound on my entire computer? I need the sound ON so I can get message notifications from things such as Facebook, and also audio alerts to indicate when a transfer has completed. You keep it running 24/7 to leech and more importantly SEED files. Utorrent is unique in that it is not something you run, for a few minutes and then turn off. I don't mind ads myself, I don't even mind videos, but they DO have a point about the sound. The ONLY reason they can come up with for not upgrading is the popup ads that play videos with sound. In fact, for some reason, Utorrent transfers go considerably faster than the clone of Utorrent which is bittorrent. I want to convince people that they need to upgrade to the current version which seems to be quite fast. It seems to me like when I am trying to leech download a file, and the peer is running the old 2.2.1, the transfer speeds are extremely slow. I know WHY they did that, because there were several versions of utorrent after 2.2.1 that had problems, but those problems seem to be gone (except with the blank line in the torrent issue which exists in version 2.2.1 also). UTorrent 1.6 Download Now Released: Size: 574.There are a lot of people who insist on sticking with version 2.2.1 which is over 4.5 years old.